Devon Young Carers is a consortium of two Devon based charities which support young carers – TTVS (Torridge Voluntary Services) and Unite – Carers in Mid Devon. The partnership was formed in 2008 to improve the consistency and equity of services for young carers in Devon.
The consortium, led by TTVS, successfully secured five years of funding, in 2012, from the Big Lottery Youth in Focus programme for the Bright Futures project. In August 2017 further funding was secured from the Big Lottery Reaching Communities Fund to expand on the work we are doing with Young Adult Carers and their families to improve access to support services so they are better able to manage their circumstances..
The new Bright Futures Upbeat project offers support to Young Adult Carers (aged 16-24) to help them get the skills, confidence and help they need to manage periods of transition and change in order to build their resilience and improve their future life chances. The project provides Transitions Workers based across Devon we aim to support young adult carers aged 16 to 24 and their with:
- 1:1 support
- Signposting
- Advocacy
- Information
- Training
- Activities
- Peer Support Groups
- Skills development
Bright Futures is looking for donations – To Donate Click Here